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Might not be a pr


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 while I was riding my fz at top speed 132 best I’ve gotten so far (gps indicated lol) I was at around 9-10k rpms and I rode there for a good stretch. My check engine light came on? With no code. Went away as soon as I slowed down. Any ideas what this means?

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Did you happen to check your engine temp?  Your engine might have gotten a bit hot running that hard, and as soon as you backed off, the engine temp dropped back into the acceptable range--just a theroy.

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That light is triggered by the DOT GOS system monitoring sustained speed violators.  You are now in the DB of the US goobermint and labled a RACE-EST

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I did switch over to engine temp as quick as I could but it could have dropped already. I sorta feel that’s what it was. The temp light glows yellow too right? Right next to each other I think it was the temp. Hm maybe I need some Better coolant like engine ice or something 

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