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Brand new fz07 just went down 😢


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Well my brand new 2017 fz07 just went down. 1600 miles on it. I'm really sad but I am posting because I had a set of woodcraft frame sliders on it and the only damage I have are a broken mirror a broken shifter pedal and the only cosmetic damage is a scuff on the plastic where the yamaha logo is. I was going about 65 and a car hit me as he was tryimg to shift into my lane. It gave me a tank slapper and Then lowsided. I was able to climb on top of the bike while it was sliding across the pavement and surfed on top of the bike until it stopped. The bike does start still and I prolly could've road it home if my shifter was bent. This sux. I love my bike and I guess I should be happy I'm walking away with zero scratches on me or the gear I was wearing

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That sucks, man, but that's great to hear it well (for the situation). 


Had to have been quite the sight to see your save though!

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15 minutes ago, seca2 said:

Sorry to hear. Glad you are okay, the bike can be replaced - your body can't be. 

Hope Mr. CarelessCageDriver had insurance?! 

He didn't stop

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1 minute ago, phanomenal07 said:

He didn't stop

Oh man s**t like this makes my blood boil. Do you have insurance? Did anyone else stop? Glad to hear you're ok and as much as it may not seem like it, you're very lucky to be able to tell us about it

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Glad you're ok. Every time I read one of these I tell myself I'm buying a dashcam...


I also have the woodcraft frame sliders -- nice to know they worked out at high speeds.

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Hey quick question do you guys know if I should take it to the dealer I bought it from for repairs or does it not matter what yamaha dealer I take it to? Also is an independent shop an option or should I not do that

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It makes no difference. Take it somewhere you trust won't screw you over.


If you have insurance, you might get a better deal at one of their approved facilities (mine offers lifetime warranty on paint and repairs if I do this)

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Man that's a shame.  Every new rider needs to buy a helmet cam as a precaution and for insurance purposes.

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I surfed across a parking lot on the side of a horizontal bike once at a about 45mph. It was at night and it was a hell of a light show with a shower of sparks right in front of my face for several seconds. Not a scratch on me either. Trying to put my foot down at 45-mph taught me that I sure as hell can't run that fast but it kept me upright long enough for the bike to fall under me and become a sled. Oh, and the bottom of that one shoe was melted into a sticky goo.  Three chicks in a car pulled up shocked at what looked at night like my crash-landing from space. Sitting on the ground, I was embarrassed by their astonished offer to get help so I said, "No, I'm alright, it's cool." LOL  I even rode it home with a badly bent shift lever.

I was tortured by the Japanese during the war, Jack. Not a pretty story. Strange thing is they make such bloody good cameras.

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Glad you are OK. Personally, I would just have shifted into 3rd or 4th gear, depending on the speeds I needed to run, and ride it home in that gear. My shifter broke once on my Triumph 900 and I put it into 3rd and rode 100 miles home.


And if it akes you feel any better, I crashed my brand new XJ750 Seca twice before it had rolled 1,200 miles back in 1983. All my fault.

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Might not even be worth it to go through insurance if that was all the damage the bike sustained. Panels are about 30 dollars and you can get a shifter replacement for about the same cost. Had the same thing happen to me back in March with ruined tail fender and tail light and a broken shifter pedal aswell as bent handlebars and I think it was under 300 dollars including a whole new LED taillight and some renthal ultra lows, but the broken collarbone was a separate issue. Bike is doing great atm, just a light battle scar on the crank case. Hope you aren't too shaken up and get her fixed up nice and easy.

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Just got my estimate. It's 1900 dollars. Says I need a new front wheel some wheel bearings. Shifter got pegs handle bar which was bent pretty bad. And some other stuff

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16 minutes ago, phanomenal07 said:

Just got my estimate. It's 1900 dollars. Says I need a new front wheel some wheel bearings. Shifter got pegs handle bar which was bent pretty bad. And some other stuff

Damn, that sucks. Hope your insurance lists it as not at fault. My last crash convinced me to always have my gopro running. Good luck dude.

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