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The MT-07 Forum

New member in Indiana


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So ya, Ive been reading these threads for a bit now and figured I'd join up.  I just bought my 07 last week.  I work at a dealership and have been drooling over it since day 1.  When I found out we had a white one in our warehouse I jumped on it.  Been riding it as much as I can.  Coming from an R6, this bike is a world of differences.  Much more comfortable, not to mention a whole lot more fun.  I've had cruisers, choppers and sport bikes.  Decided I'd like something fun and sport oriented without having to support my weight all on my arms and shoulders.  I made the right choice with this bike.  Working at a dealer, the hardest part is not blowing my checks on the accessories that are out for this bike. 
Oh, and I am in southern Indiana.
Look forward to reading all about what you all are doing with your 07s. 

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  • Global Moderator

Welcome. It is always cool to see a bike still in the box. Did you get to set up your bike yourself?

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  • Global Moderator

Very cool. Congrats & welcome. Looks very familiar, I bought mine out of the box too. :)

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  • Premium Member

Welcome jhayes21! Glad you decided to join. That sure is a good-lookin' bike you have there.

Illegitimi non carborundum

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Where in Indiana are you, close to ohio border? Never seen one in the box still, what they do with all that metal, send it back to yamaha?
My condolences on getting the slowest color.

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haha, I am a fan of white. I'm looking forward to putting it up for the winter so I can powder coat my wheels white as well. I am about an hour north of evansville, a couple hours west of the ohio border.

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Oh and to answer your question, they usually just trash the metal cage. Some units come in on crates, those get sent back to the manufacturer.

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