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Cheap Chinese bar end mirrors


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Before I got my bike I'd already decided to fit a bar end mirror. But which one???
I said I'm not gonna pay over a 100 bucks for a pair of mirror. Let's try a cheap one for £10. Here is some pics:
Did I regret it? 90% yes. It looks good and usable (that is the 10%). But the quality...well.... £10. If I try to adjust the angle it moves sluggish. In some position it's too stiff and in other it's too loose. You can set it up but a little touch can F@#K it up. And you have to adjust it again and again.
In the upright position as I set it up it's in the way of the clutch lever. With a bit of play it can be fixed but eventually you need a short levers. (It'scoming soon).
My main problem is that I've got renthal handle bar. The inner diameter much smaller (14mm I think) then the OEM (18mm I believe).
So, the product didn't fit. I had to grind the nut and cut that rubber thing to be able to push it in. Probably that's way now it's moving around a bit. You can even remove it with some force. Which i don't like at all.
Next time I gonna buy something with metal end. Like this: http://imgur.com/iGPUVNM
I still looking for a bar end mirror. If you can recommend a decent one with reasonable price that will fit on renthal handlebar

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I had the same experience with the cheap Chinese bar end mirrors. Although they're darn inexpensive the quality matches the price ... tossed it after 2 days and ordered these from Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00Q3UL6S6/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1). I don't know if this is just my luck but when they arrived I noticed that one mirror was defective (see the picture). The arm assembly didn't have a thread so it is impossible to screw the holding bolt. All in all, I'm placing the order for a pair of CRG's.

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Take the mirror off the bar end and mount directly to the bar. Should work fine.
It would sort out one problem but it still rubbish quality. I am not trying to make it better. I don't want my bike feel like a Chinese made.
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Hehehe....no thread... Sorry, I shouldn't laugh but it's funny. You don't need two anyway. One mirror should be enough. 
I'm in the same shoes. But instead of the CRG I went for something more special. And it's not rizoma either.
It costs me "only" £110
It is actually funny. Btw, I checked the Canadian ministry of transportation website and it states that only one mirror is required. I wish I have both but for now I'll stick with one that works :) 
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Hehehe....no thread... Sorry, I shouldn't laugh but it's funny. You don't need two anyway. One mirror should be enough. 
I'm in the same shoes. But instead of the CRG I went for something more special. And it's not rizoma either.
It costs me "only" £110
It is actually funny. Btw, I checked the Canadian ministry of transportation website and it states that only one mirror is required. I wish I have both but for now I'll stick with one that works :) 
Lol ???? That's well funny. You should post some pictures. 'Me and my lovely yamaha with one mirror. Look at it. Is it not gorgeous?'
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It is actually funny. Btw, I checked the Canadian ministry of transportation website and it states that only one mirror is required. I wish I have both but for now I'll stick with one that works :) 
Lol ???? That's well funny. You should post some pictures. 'Me and my lovely yamaha with one mirror. Look at it. Is it not gorgeous?'
Now I don't get what's so funny?
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Lol ???? That's well funny. You should post some pictures. 'Me and my lovely yamaha with one mirror. Look at it. Is it not gorgeous?'
Now I don't get what's so funny?
There is a thread about what did you do to your bike today.... 'And I've got rid of my mirror. Oh yeah'
Believe me you would make many people smile.
At least one...me.
Sorry I'm terrible.
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