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Emergency, Need an Oil pan near Philly/Jersey.


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I'm signed up for a track day on monday and scraped my oil pan loading onto the trailer. There is a pinhole leak, so I need to get it fixed.  Does anyone near philly/NJ have any hookups with the local dealers where I could get the part today/tomorrow early AM?

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I'm signed up for a track day on monday and scraped my oil pan loading onto the trailer. There is a pinhole leak, so I need to get it fixed.  Does anyone near philly/NJ have any hookups with the local dealers where I could get the part today/tomorrow early AM?
Jb weld makes an aluminium repair product... clean it very well and put it on

ATGATT... ATTATT, two acronyms I live by.

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I'm signed up for a track day on monday and scraped my oil pan loading onto the trailer. There is a pinhole leak, so I need to get it fixed.  Does anyone near philly/NJ have any hookups with the local dealers where I could get the part today/tomorrow early AM?
Jb weld makes an aluminium repair product... clean it very well and put it on
It is one of those things that I'm sure that might be fine, but on the track I can't risk it.   I really can't risk spraying oil on the track and cause a bunch of missed sessions, or worse cause a crash.  
My hope was someone might be able to really weld it, or better yet know a parts guy at a dealer that could do me a huge favor and grab a replacement tonight.  Unlikely, but I though it was worth a try.
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In s pinch, drill thru the pinhole, tap the hole, then red loctite (or even JBW) a screw in place.
You'll need to to remove than pan so as to not get metal bits in the oil, but you'll be doing that anyway

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I wouldn't risk an oil spill at the track. If you spill oil all over the track you could end up with a large clean up bill.

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Welding or replacing is the way to go you can tap and plug in a pinch but I wouldn't do the track day if I were you. Some tracks charge a lot for a cleanup fee.

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You may have luck checking an indie harley repair shop (especially vintage repair). Most experienced guys have repaired a few cracked cases or cooling fins in their day so this would be right up their alley.

Everything went braap.

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