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Bike runs hot at stops


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Hey guys,

I got a 2023 MT-07. 

In heavy traffic or even at red lights my temperature rises pretty high( almost maxing out the gauge.) 

Wondering if there is anything you guys have done to help mitigate this.

Still haven't looked it up but I assume it is because it is air cooled and being stopped there is no air flow. 

Thanks in advance 

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you can get it tuned so the fan kicks in at a specific temperature.

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Triple Jim

The engine is liquid cooled, and you're right that when stopped there would be very little air flow through the radiator without fan assistance.  My stock 2020 handles this just fine, with the fan coming on at 220F as it should.  If yours shows a higher temperature and the fan isn't running, then something is wrong with the fan system.  It's a pressurized radiator system, and 220 degrees is a normal operating temperature.

What coolant temperatures are you seeing?

Edited by Triple Jim
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I felt as though this was the case on my 22 as well.


Personally I did a few things. Full radiator flush and filled with my preferred fluid (engine ice), made sure to bleed the system and get all the air out.

When I had the ECU flashed and tuned I also set my fan to kick on a touch earlier (210).

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