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Photos of Under seat "lips" wanted


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Im away from home and having some free time im design in cad a seat cowl , using some pictures I have taken I created a general shape but I forgot to take a side picture of the "lip" under the passenger seat ! 

If someone has a photo like that , and even better some measurement I would be a happy man ❤

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I’m searching the protruding border under the passenger seat , the one circled in red .

I don’t think there are any difference between the fz and mt but mine is a mt 



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Just now, Mad said:

I’m searching the protruding border under the passenger seat , the one circled in red .

I don’t think there are any difference between the fz and mt but mine is a mt 



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This is incredibly useful!  

Thank you!!

But I need a photo from the side that shows how high the lips(  the original fairings have a higher part that goes under the seat, I mean that )  of the oem  plastics protrude

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Just now, Mad said:

This is incredibly useful!  

Thank you!!

But I need a photo from the side that shows how high the lips(  the original fairings have a higher part that goes under the seat, I mean that )  of the oem  plastics protrude





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My wife was just asking what I was doing taking a slefy of me butt


I said this guys wants seat lips


She read the above and man she sure saved me some embarrasing photos

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