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Tire age - Is a brand new 2012 tire good in 2018?


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So, I bought online a brand new Pilot Road 2, but when it arrived I could see that it was manufactured in 2012.

Is it expired? Should I return?

Doing a visual inspection, it seems to be perfect.

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I wouldn't do it - tire compounds degrade with time and heat cycles. Unless the person you got it from can prove that it was thermally stable for the last 6 years, I would assume it wasn't. Too much risk for the little reward. 

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3 minutes ago, AlbatrossCafe said:

Also why are you on Road 2 when the current gen is 5? lol

Because I'm cheap haha and my rear is a Road 2, I went for the matching front.

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This is a brand new tyre, right? From personal experience, I myself would not worry.  There is no realistic risk of it blowing out or delaminating unless it's been stored in a very hostile environment. The only small realistic risk I can see is a slight reduction in grip. I've ridden on 13 year old well used tyres that still gripped fine to the tune of erasing every hint of chicken strips. YMMV.


If the tyre you got show signs of cracking and/or discoloration, however, yes, returning it would be sensible. Same thing if you plan to do track days or ride very hard - but then you probably wouldn't want a PR2 anyway. But if it looks good and you want to keep it, but are uncertain, you could contact the seller and hear if they will take it back if it lacks grip.


BTW, over at the Deauville UK forum, there recently several owners praising the PR2 over the 4 and 5. Apparently, the 2 last longer and rides more silently. 



From a Deauville owner:
Glad to hear that PR 2's are still available. One of Michelin's best tyres apparently. My tyre fitter rates them above 3's and 4's and has them on his own bike.


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3 minutes ago, faffi said:

This is a brand new tyre, right? From personal experience, I myself would not worry.  There is no realistic risk of it blowing out or delaminating unless it's been stored in a very hostile environment. The only small realistic risk I can see is a slight reduction in grip. I've ridden on 13 year old well used tyres that still gripped fine to the tune of erasing every hint of chicken strips. YMMV.


If the tyre you got show signs of cracking and/or discoloration, however, yes, returning it would be sensible. Same thing if you plan to do track days or ride very hard - but then you probably wouldn't want a PR2 anyway. But if it looks good and you want to keep it, but are uncertain, you could contact the seller and hear if they will take it back if it lacks grip.


BTW, over at the Deauville UK forum, there recently several owners praising the PR2 over the 4 and 5. Apparently, the 2 last longer and rides more silently. 



Cool, the motivation I needed!

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