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Anyone Calculate How Many Extra Watts The MT-07 Produces?


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Back on my ninja 250 the baby bike only produced an extra 80-90 watts in stock trim.  I gained a few back via LED lights then lost those and then some with Dual 35w HID's.  The end result was when I added heated gloves and jacket I was negative 15 watts with everything powered so it would slowly drain the battery as I rode. I ended up only running one HID's during the winter when I needed my heated gear since upgrading the charging system was more then I wanted to tackle.  This isn't a problem on bigger touring specific bike design to take on a bunch of accessories but I'm wondering where the MT-07 ends up in this regard.

Has anyone dissected the service manual and figured out the bikes total amperage draw verses what the stator produces for a calculated surplus wattage? 

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There was a discussion about this a while ago, but I don't recall any hard numbers being verified. 


I run a set of Oxford heated grips on my bike. They put out noticeably more heat when cruising at speed than they do in town, so I think it's safe to assume there's not a whole lot of extra wattage to play with. At one time I also had a pair of LED floods ( 35w for the pair) and riding with the floods and grips on never created any issues. But this was on a fresh battery and I never ran any sort of volt gauge to really know if I was discharging or not. 

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The main fuse is 30Amps and the charging voltage is around 14V, so by using Watt's law (P= I x V), it's safe to assume that the generator produces  less than 30A x 14V = 420 Watts at maximum output.

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Watts the differnce?  its shocking

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5 hours ago, sunblock said:

The main fuse is 30Amps and the charging voltage is around 14V, so by using Watt's law (P= I x V), it's safe to assume that the generator produces  less than 30A x 14V = 420 Watts at maximum output.

30 Amp Fuse doesn't mean 30 amps of continuous current though. The system might only put out 25amps for 350ish watts. Also, does the Main fuse handle the starter as well? Would it be beefier than the charging system can output due to this?


Wonder what the load is on a stock bike.

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