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Word of caution for new buyers...


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Picked up my brand new 0 mile 2018 MT-07 today! Super excited, drive away from the dealership and go for a nice little ride. 


I get home and begin looking her over and discover this! The clowns at the dealership failed to clean all the cosmoline off of the exhaust and let me ride off and bake that crap all over headers and exhaust!


Taking it back to them this afternoon to discuss what can be done...😡


Aside from that I'm LOVING the bike so far!





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Whoa, wtf was on there? What is Cosmoline? I bought my bike new and didn't have anything like that on it!

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Are you sure you did not hit a plastic bag?  I worked at a dealership & never have seen that from cosmoline.  Cosmoline would be all around the pipes, that looks like something hit the front.

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Go around and check your bolts too. Also check fluid levels. Dealers use unexperienced young techs because that is all they can find for the peanuts that they pay. 

This is why I never take my bikes to a dealer and never buy extended warranties. 38 years of riding, I have never needed either. 

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Cosmoline is something you would have found on a 1940s, military jeep/harley whatever to keep stuff from rusting. Commercial chain lubes are dang near the the stuff - a mix of wax and petroleum goo as a rust inhibitor. 


Stainless steel pipes don't need the stuff.


I've run over plastic bag and that's about what it looks like when it melts and burns on the pipe. Eventually, it'll burn to a crisp and lots of it will flake off on its own. A lot of it is not gonna come off w/o some effort though. You can try oven cleaner - be careful getting it on paint or plastic or anything else for that matter. Then use a fine polish like Simichrome with a lot of patience will remove a lot of what's really stuck.  



this guy used a brillo pad. it might scratch stainless a bit



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  • Premium Member

Some sound advice right there. Cosmoline sound like vaseline! It has many uses, so ive been told...

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On 6/1/2018 at 8:02 PM, kdubb223 said:

Further investigation = plastic bag 😢 


So watch for plastic bags out there! 

I straddled a plastic bag in a car once and the damn thing got hung up on the exhaust somehow and melted to it. It stunk for awhile until there was nothing left to burn but the you couldn't see it under the car which was the only good thing about the ordeal. THAT pipe looks like sh*t! If I find a solution on you tube or anywhere to get melted plastic off a pipe I'll let you know. Sorry about your luck! Lord help your bike.


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Yo! I just found this on you tube. It can't make it any worse I don't believe so worth a try and hopefully it works for you. If you try it let us know how it worked. I don't that the pipe not being chrome is going to make a difference to it's ability to clean. Jump ahead to :50 in the vid to get to the meat of it.




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Thanks for all the replies and tips!


I have been slowly scraping it off with a plastic spatula, some goo gone and oven cleaner. I plan on getting exhaust down the rode so not a huge deal.



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