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You can now sign in with Facebook and share your posts on Facebook

Rob Bayless

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You can now sign in to the forum using your Facebook sign in. But it will be a different account on the forum. I will work on trying to find a way to merge your existing forum account with your facebook account. This will make things easier for some of you who "live" on Facebook.  


Supporting Vendors will like this, as when they sign in using their company Facebook account, they can checkmark the box to also share their post on their Facebook profile.  Vendors, send me a pm so I know your facebook account. 


This is one of many many features that we are working on implementing. 


Now I will tag some people who will want to see this. @DionDesigns @2wheeldynoworks @bellissimoto @pattonme @higdonion @shrike1 @motomachines


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Cool feature for most people nowdays.  But I for one never had, do not have now, and probably never will have any sort of social media.  Don't see the use.  My wife and most friends are Facebook fanatics.  They try to show me stuff and my eyes roll back in my head...  People are so much nicer when you talk to them face to face and are able reach their throat.

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Ok, so now you can link your regular forum account with your Facebook account. 


Sign in, click your avatar pic up above, choose account settings, scroll down on the left and click Facebook. 


Follow their instructions to link your account. Then, you can sign in with facebook, but be logged into your regular forum account! 

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